Betsy Cook Speer Coaching


   Let me help you...

▪ Get super clear on what you truly want

▪ Set exciting and reachable goals

▪ Gain the confidence to just go for it

▪ Fill up your life with the good stuff

▪ Craft a Life You Love


 Add More Feel-Good Factor to Your life... 

Listen to Podcasts Download checklists & ebooks  


Use This Checklist to Start Diet Ditching


Get My 3-Most Popular Feel-Good Blogs

                       As Seen in:

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One of the BEST gifts you give yourself!

Coaching helps you reach the goals that you haven't been able to reach on your own. From life-balance or career changes to fears about future health issues related to weight. 

You and I would start with figuring out where you are right now and what you want most from life. Then, we'd explore those things in your life that no longer serve you. The ones that need to be deleted. We'd also figure out how to add the feel-good and uplifting things you need the most right now!  

You'll discover your strengths and superpowers so they can work for you.  Let me be ‘in your corner' as accountability partner and cheerleader for each of your successes big and small.  Pick one of my courses, take advantage of the downloads and podcasts, and add one-to-one coaching to accelerate your progress.

Let's get started on what works best with your goals!

Is coaching right 
for you right now?
Take my 
Coachability Assessment
and find out


Schedule your Free 30-minute Session
Kickstart Your Power

Get a glimpse at the superpowers you can tap into to get where you want in work and personal relationships. Learn how an accountability partner and cheerleader (like me) can help you reach your goals more quickly and more easily than on your own.

to you?

Member of the International Coaching Federation
Member of the International Coaching Federation