September 4


How Supermarkets Make Us Polluters

If you're like a lot of people, you feel guilty when it comes to plastic pollution, recycling problems, food waste, and climate change but lets look at How Supermarkets Make Us Polluters.

When you think about it, we can only buy and use what is made available to us. i.e. the immense amounts of plastic packaged products that supermarkets sell us when only 9% of plastic is actually recycled.

Over-Buying Raises Cost of Living and Increases Food Waste

Foodstores regularly encourage us to over-buy and often that extra food goes to waste. This not only raises our cost of living but helps contribute to the UK's 9.5 million tonnes of yearly food waste that clog our landfills and emit dangerous greenhouse methane gases. 

Bulk Apples
Microwaved plastic food

Many Plastics Contain Chemicals of concern

The chemicals found in food contact packaging are endocrine disruptors that have been linked to infertility and certain types of cancers.

  • Why are stores selling ready-made meals that we're told to super heat in microwaves allowing chemicals to leach into our food? 
  • Why are we not given safe packaging alternatives?

UK supermarkets produce over 900,000 tonnes of plastic packaging each year but only 9% of all plastic is actually recycled

where does all that plastic go?

Plastics that aren't recycled, go on to poison our landfills, pollute our rivers and oceans or are sent to recovery stations that take lots of energy to burn them.

The Climate and Energy Bill and the Plastic Treaty are coming

If these great bills and treatys are voted in, they'll be amazing BUT their implementation will take time AND we need to start now. 

The 2021 plastic Pact Motivated Some Stores to reduce Their plastic 

That's not enough and it's hard to tell exactly how much they've done. The fact that to make ANY PLASTIC requires burning fossil fuels means we need to stop using plastics. That's a FULL STOP!

Fossil Fuels are burned to make ALL PLASTICS 

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We Must hold our Supermarkets and suppliers accountable for all the plastic they sell us. We must demand change

We can't wait for the Climate and Energy Bill and the Plastic Treaty to be put in place, we need to start now.

  • Stop fuelling the problem & start solving it
  • Stop making us polluters
  • Reduce our cost of living
  • improve our health
  • save our climate
  • Become climate-active influencers

The Big 5 - UK Biggest Supermarkets

Tesco, Sainsbury’s, ASDA, Morrison’s and Aldi are the five biggest supermarkets in the UK so they need to lead the way for major change! NOW

If you're tired of getting blamed for plastic pollution when you have no choice and if you worry about what the plastic is doing to your health then sign this Open Letter to UK supermarkets who produce over 900,000 tonnes of plastic packaging each year.

Let's Tell them We want them to...

  • Eliminate single-use plastics  
  • Stop selling all plastic carrier bags (even bags for life)
  • Supply safe non-plastic packaging for our health and the health of the planet.
  • Stop selling us plastic-packed ready meals that we super heat in microwaves allowing chemicals to leach into our food
  • Reduce Food Waste: Instead of selling us more than we need at a reduced price per piece (wrapped up in plastic packaging) sell us those same products individually at the reduced price. 
  • Convert to sustainability stores that use refill stations to give us plastic-free packaging groceries (as all plastics are made from fossil fuels)
  • Supply water bottle refill stations 
  • Provide on-site food waste recycling receptacles for shoppers to reduce methane gas emissions from landfills
  • Reduce food waste by sharing smarter shopping and storage tips and reduce bulk selling that wastes food
  • Install sustainable energy sources for your stores to lower overhead costs passed onto the consumers
  • Support and increase Vegan and vegetarian offerings to reduce deforestation and methane emissions
  • Eliminate bulk-packing of non-food items that you shrinkwrap in plastic

Watch for the petition that's not only aimed at the UK's largest supermarkets Sainsbury, Tesco, M&S, Waitrose, Aldi, Lidl but the rest of them too!

Want to know when the Supermarket Petition

goes Live?

Join our mailing list to get all updates.


CAN bill, climate action, climate chaos, plastic pact, Plastic Treaty

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